
Interested in helping?

The years ahead will remain challenging.

Despite high levels of employment, redundancies and job losses do occur. While some may be assisted by outsourcing services offered by former employers, many do not appear in jobless statistics and are not the priority for Job Centre Plus.

Helping local individuals, who are a valuable resource to our community, get back into productive work therefore needs a focused approach – one that we believe we can offer.

Many of our Volunteers have experienced job loss in mid or late career or have had partners who have. So, many of us know what it feels like.

Our volunteers come from a range of professional backgrounds and all bring their unique knowledge, skills and personal experience. Some come from HR, some from recruitment, some are professional coaches and others come from hospitality, finance, IT and other sectors.

If you would like to join our team, in a speaking, administration, advisory or organisational capacity please come along to one of our meetings and see what we do.

If you would like more information about volunteering please email or call CSEB, details at the foot of this page.

Thank you.

Rajesh Patel


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Email careersspringboardeb@gmail.com to Register

or call 07761 747 739 for a chat