About our meetings

Our weekly meetings are an opportunity for members to meet other job seekers, exchange news, make recommendations and hear an informative presentation on a key aspect of the job seeking process.

Dress Code

There are no strict rules. However, we do recommend that members attend dressed for a business meeting which may vary depending on industry. Shorts with T Shirts, for example, are not appropriate.


Meetings follow a standard agenda, starting at 09.30 am to 11 pm.

  • Sign In/Networking

  • Welcome by the Chairman

  • News and Information

  • Main Speaker

  • Coaching, if requested

We encourage people to attend full presentation sessions, even those they think they know well or have previously attended as there is always something new to learn.


A particular strength of the Club comes from members assisting others, so we actively encourage participation by all to share their experience, offer advice and ask for help if required.

There is no charge for any of our meetings.

When you return to work

We do ask that members let us know when they return to work as information about the effectiveness of the Club, (as measured by the number of members returning to work), is key to our ability for securing future funding.

About the volunteers and speakers

Our Volunteers are qualified in their field and also invest their time in management meetings and training to manage the Club and improve the services we offer. Many have experienced redundancy or job loss personally and may have joined initially as members themselves. Our speakers are often recommended by members or other Clubs. If you would like to offer your services, please speak to a Volunteer or email the Club.

Important Note:

Information is given in good faith. No responsibility whatsoever shall attach to the Careers Springboard East Berkshire Job Club or any person acting on behalf of the same in respect of any advice, information or assistance in whatever form it may be provided for the benefit of members, dependents or others.

Join Now !

Email careersspringboardeb@gmail.com to Register

or call 07761 747 739 for a chat